It started January 22 with a skype message from Rita... the Psychologist that the court said they were waiting on told Rita she was not scheduled to talk to the girls...or was it that Liepaja was waiting on Daina to get our documents through translation...which didnt' make sense because our dossiers were stamped Oct 24th as being received in the Orphan Court! So, frantically, Jan 23rd, I emailed Kelly to see what in the world was going on and why no one seemed to know where our dossiers actually were. Then, before I could go to sleep that night, I had to bring this before the Lord. For he knows where every hidden thing is located; He knows the number of hairs on our head...surely He knew the location of our dossiers. So I posted a request for my birthday... we needed prayer. Prayer that our dossier would be brought to light; prayer that a sense of urgency would be in the heart of those in charge of our process; prayer that any hindering or delaying spirit would cease to operate against our plans and purpose. And response after response come back..."praying". The fear that was in my heart ceased. Peaceful sleep came.
January 24th was my 47th birthday... I was waiting for my annual Asbestos course to start when I got a skype message from Rita and Lera. They had done those little computer drawings utilizing all of the special characters. They drew rabbits, birthday cakes, chicks, hearts, and three little words that broke my heart...Happy Birthday Momy! That was the first time they had used that name. Broken ice. Mending hearts. Trust building. Love! Then, that evening, my son sent me a special birthday present. During Christmas, he recorded Rita singing and playing a song she wrote. They had spent several sessions laying down tracks for her song. This is a very special song because she wrote it following the death of her Mom this summer while she was hosting with us. This song is definitely from her heart and is beautifully performed. She gave me permission to share it with my friends and even to post it to Facebook. It has touched my heart to hear her feelings, to hear how she is processing this time in her life, her hope for the future. I can't wait to hear many more of her songs.
I closed out my birthday but my gifts had not all been received. I went to work Jan 25th and was trying to focus on getting things completed for the month. I had to take a trip to one of our remote plants and when I returned to my office, I checked my email...There was an email from Kelly saying Daina expected that Ksenija and Valerija would be separated next week. The court was waiting on the Fletchers' dossier to be translated, received and verified by the Childrens' Ministry to ensure they were planning to adopt Ksenija before they would release Valerija to be adopted by us!!!! And yes, we are expecting that to be complete this coming week! So we seriously could get our referral soon. What I was so amazed at was that the prayer was answered so quickly. The dossier, the urgency to get back with us, the update on our status; all answers to a request prayed to the Father, through the Son, in unity by His children, for His children. Thank you, Jesus!
So now we wait again, but this time with peace, knowing we are on course, and there will soon be an expected end to this journey to become a whole, complete family. I couldn't have asked for a better birthday present!
Here is a link to Rita's song...
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