Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart...the verse which inspired the name of our blog. A reminder came through email this morning that I need to delight myself in the LORD. A scripture with an instruction, and a promise. The same promise Rita used on her cardboard testimony last summer for the NHFC video. A promise I refuse to give up on. As written by Robert Hotchkin on Elijah List:
("Delight yourself in the Lord." That word delight in the original Hebrew is "anag" which means "to be soft or pliable." When our circumstances are difficult, or we have been believing for a promise of God to come forth and it has not yet manifested when we think it should or the way we think it should, we can often suffer from disappointment and discouragement. This can cause us to harden our hearts toward God, giving into fear and lies like, "Well, He hasn't come through yet so maybe He isn't going to." But when we take our eyes off those circumstances and put them back on God, we remember what He is really like. We remember that He is loving and kind and merciful and gracious and generous and faithful and trustworthy – no matter what! When we stop trying to figure out what He is doing, and focus on what He is like, it becomes easy to delight in the Lord. And as we do, our hearts "anag" – they soften, opening back up to Him, and we are able to believe and receive again.)
I see this much like the steak I mentioned a few posts has been beaten so much lately that it has become fork tender! It is not easy to be 'tenderized'. It's often very messy. But the outcome can be quite glorious!
We have made a little more progress toward the finish line. Slowly, surely, we will get there!
"One day, voices that lie, will all be silenced
One day, all that's divided will be whole again
One day, death will retreat and wave it's white flag
One day, love will defeat the strongest enemy
So we wait, for that one day, come quickly
We want to see Your Glory
Every knee bows down before Thee
Every tongue offers you praise, with every hand raised
Singing Glory to You and unto You only
we sing Glory to Your name."
"Glory" by Selah
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