Our Christmas Photo

Our Christmas Photo

Saturday, December 10, 2011

When worlds collide!

Well, in just over 24 hours, we will join many families in the Atlanta airport as we anxiously await a group of kids from halfway around the world walk into our world.  Approximately 80+ orphans from Latvia will arrive to spend the next 4 weeks with Christian families all over America.  Some are going to California, Colorado, Texas, New York, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Ohio, Missouri, Tennessee, Alabama, Louisiana, and two special girls will come to Vicksburg, Mississippi!  We didn't think we would be here again, but delays in separating Lera and Ksenija have slowed our process.  But, as we sat in Hope Fellowship Church last night, the word given was there would be rapid acceleration in those plans God has ordained, and our hope deferred that has made our hearts sick, will soon be sight!  I fully believe that while the girls are here hosting over the next 4 weeks, we will get the word from Latvia for our travel date to start our adoption.  There is such a peace that God has this all in His hands.  Now, we must concentrate on the next 4 weeks and getting to know Lera and Rita better and letting them get to know us.  There are major trust issues to overcome.  They have to know that they can trust us completely.  How hard is that?  Could you put your life in a strangers' hands?  It will be a process that has already begun, but will take years to complete.  Years of dedication, years of encouraging, years of proving that we love them...  only through Christ can this be accomplished. 
So, as we get ready to sleep, kids from all over Latvia are loading into cars and buses to make their journey to Riga.  Around midnight our time, they board their flight to New York.  Then, after a layover that almost equals our normal work day, they board their connection to Atlanta.  We will be gathering, waiting, meeting other anxious parents, hoping we can communicate with these kids that have been entrusted into our care. 
Lord, we ask for your blessing upon each child, each host parent, each host sibling, so that your love will flow through us and touch these children.  Help us to connect with them and be able to teach them about you at this most special time of year.  Lord, bring healing to their hearts and help them to trust again.  Help us teach them of forgiveness.  Let us be examples for their eyes and ears.  Let us represent you well.  In Jesus' name. Amen! 

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